Miscarriages tend to have a depleting effect on women. It impacts not just a woman’s condition of mind and body but also has a detrimental impact...
Experiencing moments of self-doubt and longing for greater fulfilment is common. One factor that can influence confidence and life satisfaction is girth size. So, let’s delve...
Key Takeaways: Intermittent fasting focuses on limiting the time frame for eating rather than restricting what or how much you eat. Some studies suggest that intermittent...
Key Takeaways: Approximately 30,000 women in the UK experience birth trauma annually, which can be either physical or emotional, leading to severe aftermaths such as PTSD....
Key Takeaways: Research indicates that fasting during Ramadan can lead to improved blood pressure, enhanced immune function, and better blood lipid profiles. Long-term health benefits from...
In a letter, Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), wished success to the new administration and prime minister Shehbaz Sharif in...
ابوالحصین ہیثم بن شفی کا بیان ہے کہ میں اور میرا ایک ساتھی جس کی کنیت ابوعامر تھی اور قبیلہ معافر سے تعلق رکھتا تھا ،...
Laser for lips—doesn’t that sound a bit unusual? You try a lip laser treatment for dark lips, and, VOILA! You’re left with a fresh, pinkish smile!...
Excess fat can cause many types of cancer. Becoming overweight could be a crucial risk that is likely to cause four out of 10 malignancies, according...
چین کو پاکستان کی ضرورت کیوں ہے؟ Why Does China Need Pakistan? اس کی تین اہم ترین وجوہات ہیں۔ جس کی وجہ سے چین کو پاکستان...