ایک جہاز میں ایک جاپانی – لطیفہ ایک جہاز میں ایک جاپانی‘ ایک جرمن اور پاکستانی بیٹھے ہوئے تھے۔ جاپانی نے اچانک کھڑکی کے باہر ہاتھ...
Even if you don’t have a secret wad of cash hidden under your shirt, going through airport security can be nerve-wracking. For one thing, everyone is...
Key Takeaways Beach in Fort Bragg, California, has an abundance of glass washed over by the ocean into smooth, gemlike pieces The seaglass is the result...
1. The Boiling Lake, Dominica If you’re heading to Dominica for a nice Caribbean retreat, don’t dip a toe in its boiling lake. It’s secluded on...
Imagine a vacation where you can truly relax without the constant worry of exchange rates. Fortunately, there are numerous destinations worldwide where you can use the...
Have you ever heard of Montenegro? Located above the Adriatic Sea, Montenegro is a Balkan country that sits between Bosnia, Albania, and Serbia. As a newly...
Intrigued by the forbidden and the unexplored? Join us as we unveil “25 Places the US Does NOT Want You to Visit,” a captivating journey to...
These blunders will embarrass you no matter what country you’re in … Thomas Ricker via Flickr/CC BY 2.0 If you’re looking for a way to announce...
There is nothing like a global shutdown to bring vacation plans to a screeching halt. But when one door closes, another opens. Many have redefined their...
بھیانک آدمی ابنِ صفیBhayanak Aadmi By Ibn-e-Safi رُوشی اُسے بہت دیر سے دیکھ رہی تھی۔وہ شام ہی ہوٹل میں داخل ہو اتھا اور سات بج...