{"id":724,"date":"2024-05-08T19:00:36","date_gmt":"2024-05-08T14:00:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/urdukhaber.com\/english\/?p=724"},"modified":"2024-05-08T19:00:36","modified_gmt":"2024-05-08T14:00:36","slug":"30-things-you-shouldnt-do-abroad","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/urdukhaber.com\/english\/travel\/30-things-you-shouldnt-do-abroad\/","title":{"rendered":"30 Things You Shouldn\u2019t Do Abroad"},"content":{"rendered":"

These blunders will embarrass you no matter what country you\u2019re in …<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n


Thomas Ricker via Flickr\/CC BY 2.0<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

If you\u2019re looking for a way to announce that you\u2019re a tourist \u2014 and a rude one at that \u2014 committing these travel faux pas is a surefire way to do that. Read on to find 30 things you shouldn\u2019t do abroad to save yourself from potentially offending an entire country.<\/p>\n

NEXT: Not only is it rude, but it also makes you a target for pickpockets.<\/strong><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Ignoring Local Customs<\/h2>\n

Even celebrities have committed faux pas when it comes to conforming to local customs. Actress Jennifer Lawrence, for example, scratched her butt on sacred rocks in Hawaii while filming\u00a0The Hunger Games: Catching Fire<\/em>\u00a0in 2012. One she scratched on came loose, creating a landslide, writes Elle Hunt in\u00a0The Guardian<\/em>.<\/p>\n


A blog post by Wendy Perrin on the travel website TripAdvisor emphasizes learning local customs before traveling. There are a couple of pages on its website with information about local customs.<\/p>\n

Flaunting Your Wealth<\/h2>\n

Foreign currency is very exciting, but refrain from showing it off while traveling \u2014 it\u2019s just one of those things you shouldn\u2019t do abroad. A blog post in BudgetTravel.com says flashing your cash isn\u2019t endearing to the locals, just like it wouldn\u2019t be acceptable in the U.S., either. Having cash on hand is helpful, especially if credit cards aren\u2019t readily accepted.<\/p>\n

Busterwhelan<\/a>\u00a0via Wikimedia Commons\/CC BY-SA 4.0<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

However, indiscreetly unloading wads of cash from an ATM in full view of others will make you a target for pickpockets, reads the blog post. ATMs themselves might be rigged by pickpockets too, Elizabeth Finan from the Bureau of Consular Affairs told BudgetTravel.com.<\/p>\n

NEXT: These outfit choices scream \u201cI\u2019M A TOURIST!\u201d<\/strong><\/p>\n

Wearing Inappropriate Clothing<\/h2>\n

As I scrolled through various travel websites\u2019 articles about \u201cembarrassing things Americans do abroad,\u201d I noticed that nearly all of them mention the tacky white travel socks many U.S. tourists favor. There are also the baseball caps and fanny packs that seem to annoy European locals.<\/p>\n

Jive Addiction<\/a>\u00a0via Flickr\/CC BY-SA 2.0<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

There are some clothing items that might not just annoy, but seriously offend, citizens in foreign countries. (See slide number one regarding local customs.) For example, many Middle Eastern countries don\u2019t appreciate showing lots of skin. When in doubt, do your research before packing a bag.<\/p>\n

Next:\u00a0 Even Americans get annoyed by this.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Clapping At Everything<\/h2>\n

Apparently, we Americans clap at everything. The especially annoying over-clapping moment has to be when planes land. Take this skit that actor Patrick Stewart did for Jimmy Kimmel Live<\/em><\/a>. Expedia did a survey to find out the most annoying things people do on flights.<\/p>\n

Jimmy Kimmel Live via YuTube<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

If you guessed \u201cclapping on a plane\u201d was one of them, you\u2019re correct. Stewart\u2019s fellow actors act annoyed at his clapping during the skit, but that annoyance is much more alive IRL. Apparently Greeks are guilty of clapping on planes as well \u2026 We\u2019re not alone, y\u2019all!<\/p>\n

NEXT: Leave the entitlement at home.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Assuming People Are There To Wait On You<\/h2>\n

\u201cBeing a little bit patient and not assuming that everybody here is here to clamor over your tourist dollars is important,\u201d Anna Post told BudgetTravel.com. She\u2019d know \u2014 she\u2019s the co-author of\u00a0Emily Post\u2019s Etiquette, 18th Edition<\/em>. Apparently, U.S. tourists have long had a bad reputation…<\/p>\n

askii<\/a>\u00a0via Flickr\/CC BY-SA 2.0<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Emily Post wrote the chapter \u201cEurope\u2019s Unflattering Opinion of Us\u201d in 1922. Budget Travel quotes her as writing: \u201cFor years, we Americans have swarmed over the face of the world, taking it for granted that the earth\u2019s surface belongs to us because we can pay for it.\u201d<\/p>\n

NEXT: Please sit down, Brenda.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Eating While Walking<\/h2>\n

Takeout food in Europe isn\u2019t as common as it is in the U.S., and neither is eating on the go. Europeans, like the French, for instance, like to sit down for all three of their daily meals instead of scarfing coffee on their way to work as we do.<\/p>\n


\u201cIt\u2019s rare to see people eating while walking,\u201d reads a post in Mbgfood regarding France. \u201cThere are no cup holders on caddies, or even in most cars.\u201d In Japan, it might be considered rude depending on the circumstances, according to Quora user Ryo Yokoe.<\/p>\n

NEXT: Everything in the U.S. is bigger, they say.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Taking Up Too Much Space<\/h2>\n

It\u2019s not uncommon to see tourists become unaware of how much space they\u2019re taking up. It might be when they\u2019re walking absentmindedly or taking photos with those dreaded selfie sticks. Locals that aren\u2019t on vacation might not appreciate the spatial unawareness.<\/p>\n

Alper \u00c7u\u011fun<\/a>\u00a0via Flickr\/CC BY 2.0<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Locals need to get to work and they can\u2019t do that if you\u2019re taking up the entire sidewalk. Also, \u201cmanspreading\u201d or taking up room with your bags on public transportation is a big no-no.<\/p>\n

NEXT: This custom exists in U.S. restaurants but not in all restaurants abroad.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Asking For Coffee Or Food \u2018to Go\u2019<\/h2>\n

It might seem like a strange thing to add to a list of things you shouldn\u2019t do abroad, but it\u2019s real, y\u2019all. \u201cIn France, as in Austria, it\u2019s generally understood that coffee isn\u2019t to be consumed in a hurry \u2026 but if you\u2019re really in a hurry, you can do as you would in Italy, and throw back an espresso shot at the bar,\u201d writes Chris Ciolli in AFAR Magazine.<\/p>\n

Guilhem Vellut<\/a>\u00a0via Flickr\/CC BY 2.0<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Some places might give you coffee to go, but it\u2019ll likely be in a flimsy plastic cup instead of those sturdy ones Starbucks gives you. Food to go isn\u2019t a huge thing either. But no one will get upset if you eat a falafel by the Rhine river in Germany.<\/p>\n

NEXT: This custom exists in U.S. restaurants but not in all restaurants abroad.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Tipping Your Server<\/h2>\n

Whether your country of arrival is something that should come up in your research. (See slide number one for information about why researching local customs is important.) Tipping isn\u2019t commonplace in some countries like China, Japan, Denmark, or Belgium, according to a 2019 report in U.S. News & World Report.<\/p>\n


In some cultures, tipping might even be an insult! Tipping is A-OK in the U.S., of course, and even encouraged if you feel the service was good. Though you\u2019re not required to tip in the U.S., especially if your service was subpar,.<\/p>\n

NEXT: This might frighten any new foreign friends you make on your trip abroad.<\/strong><\/p>\n


Compared to other cultures, Americans are much more chatty. Taking that chattiness to other countries might not be well received. \u201cIf you unload on a total stranger about how (your) marriage is stalling, they\u2019re going to peg you for a Yank right off the bat,\u201d reads an article in ALOT Travel.<\/p>\n

JohannyChou via Pixabay<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Some Americans question this oversharing claim. \u201cI wonder what the differences are in some of the fellows\u2019 countries, where the Internet might be slower and everyone probably doesn\u2019t have a smartphone,\u201d reads a blog post on the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication\u2019s website.<\/p>\n

NEXT: Learn a couple of common phrases at least.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Speaking English To Non-english Speakers<\/h2>\n

\u201cThere\u2019s even a joke: What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual,\u201d Leah Ginsburg from Yahoo! Travel writes. \u201cWhat do you call someone who speaks one language? American.\u201d You don\u2019t have to learn a whole new language.<\/p>\n

Daniel Case<\/a>\u00a0via Wikimedia Commons\/CC BY-SA 3.0<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Just a couple of common phrases that are good to know are: \u201cDo you speak English?\u201d \u201cHello\u201d and \u201cthank you.\u201d The rudest? Walking up to any old person on the street and immediately speaking English, whether you\u2019re unsure if they understand you or not,.<\/p>\n

NEXT: Now\u2019s the time to portion control.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Eating massive portions or drinking too much<\/h2>\n

There can be major consequences in foreign countries that you might not expect. For example, getting way too drunk can get you a huge fine in Australia. A disorderly drunk patron can get busted with a maximum penalty of $10,676, according to an entry on the Queensland Government website.<\/p>\n

Adventurejay\/Public Domain<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Some countries love to mock Americans for our country’s obesity problem (according to the CDC, 93.3 million Americans were affected by obesity in 2015-16), so if we overeat in public, it might give them more ammunition for their criticism. (Not all languages have a word for #BodyPositivity.)<\/p>\n

NEXT: Always ask for permission before doing this.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Taking Pictures Of Locals Without Asking<\/h2>\n

\u201cAt least in Asia, Americans are always taking pictures of the locals. And not in the\u00a0National Geographic<\/em>\u00a0kind of way \u2014 more like how I take photos of animals at the zoo on my iPhone,\u201d Dan from Vietnam told Thrillist writer Brooke Sager in 2016.<\/p>\n

Wagiita<\/a>\u00a0via Wikimedia Commons\/CC BY-SA 4.0<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

If you want to take photos of someone, please ask. Some people might be OK with it, but some people won\u2019t be. If those don\u2019t catch you in the act of hitting that shutter button, better watch out!<\/p>\n

NEXT: Just shut up!<\/strong><\/p>\n

Being Loud<\/h2>\n

While gathering folks from other countries\u2019 impressions of U.S. tourists, Thrillist writer Brooke Sager got a resounding opinion on Americans\u2019 volume. \u201c\u2018Americans are loud.\u2019 \u2014 Everyone,\u201d wrote Sager. Sometimes it\u2019s OK to stand out, but it can also make you a pickpocket\u2019s target.<\/p>\n

Greg Dunlap<\/a>\u00a0via Flickr\/CC BY 2.0<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

So shut your trap! Joking aside, just watch the volume on that mouth of yours. In some countries, like Sweden or Japan, citizens are more reserved than some Americans might be used to.<\/p>\n

NEXT: This should be a given considering the precarious political situation.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Talking Politics<\/h2>\n

It\u2019s safe to say plenty of other countries may not like the United States\u2019 current administration. Unfortunately, who is leading our country might already have shaped foreigners\u2019 opinions of us regardless of if we voted for him or not. Politics shouldn\u2019t prevent you from making new friends, however.<\/p>\n


You might assume that all of Europe is a \u201cliberal utopia,\u201d but there are still plenty of places that have a conservative government, writes Scott Hartbeck in TravelPulse. In short, don\u2019t assume someone\u2019s political leanings, and avoid offending by not talking about politics.<\/p>\n

NEXT: You can eat this at home and abroad.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Going To Mcdonald\u2019s Instead Of Trying Local Cuisine<\/h2>\n

Here\u2019s Carla\u2019s (the author of this fine piece of literature’s) personal opinion: McDonald\u2019s makes a great rest spot for travelers. Think about it \u2014 it\u2019s got fries, a bathroom, and Wi-Fi. Basically, you need to regroup before adventuring again. But it\u2019s a waste of money to only eat at Mickey D\u2019s abroad.<\/p>\n


You could have put that $3.99 you spent on a Big Mac toward sampling a crepe with Nutella in Paris, trying a falafel in Berlin, or wolfing down pierogies in Eastern Europe. And just because it ain\u2019t McDonald\u2019s doesn\u2019t mean it\u2019s expensive!<\/p>\n

NEXT: Some things aren\u2019t meant to be souvenirs.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Bringing Back A Souvenir You\u2019re Not Supposed To<\/h2>\n

So this story features French tourists, not Americans (see, anyone can be a bad tourist!): A French couple tried to take 90 pounds of sand from the Italian island of Sardinia in 2019. (Why they couldn\u2019t settle on a T-shirt or magnet, we do not know.)<\/p>\n

Nathan Harig<\/a>\u00a0via Wikimedia Commons\/CC BY-SA 3.0<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

The couple would possibly face jail time, wrote Lauren Frias in an INSIDER report from August 2019. Stealing sand has been illegal since 2017, but the couple claims they didn\u2019t know. See \u2014 taking random things can get you in HUGE trouble.<\/p>\n

NEXT: Some people want to be left alone.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Talking To Strangers<\/h2>\n

\u201cAsk a bunch of foreigners how to spot an American abroad, and this is the one that comes up the most often. In fact, our outgoing personalities are often startling to more reserved types like Germans and Brits,\u201d Leah Ginsberg from Yahoo! Travel writes.<\/p>\n

fffriendly<\/a>\u00a0via Wikimedia Commons\/CC BY 2.0<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Ginsberg quotes one Swede as saying: \u201cWe don\u2019t talk to people here.\u201d Americans are known for having a friendly disposition, but that mindset doesn\u2019t always fare well in other countries.<\/p>\n

NEXT: It looks tacky and takes up too much space. So, just stop.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Busting Out The Dreaded Selfie Stick<\/h2>\n

Selfie sticks may be useful for, well, taking selfies, but they\u2019re equally hated around the world. Tourists are already more likely to take up too much space, so practicing self-awareness with those selfie sticks before you put someone\u2019s eye out is a good idea.<\/p>\n


Millennial Magazine has several tips for proper selfie etiquette: 1) Watch where you stick your stick. 2) Don\u2019t take selfies while walking. 3) Be aware if your selfie stick annoys others. 4) Don\u2019t selfie in dangerous situations.<\/p>\n

NEXT: Leave this at home.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Engaging In Major PDA<\/h2>\n

This is tacky even in the U.S., but in some countries, you can even be arrested for it. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), for instance, \u201cPublic displays of affection are frowned upon, and there have been several arrests for kissing in public,\u201d reads the U.K. government\u2019s travel advice.<\/p>\n


Being in love is cool, but being in a foreign jail isn\u2019t. In U.A.E. and other Middle Eastern countries, staying with your significant other in the same hotel room if you\u2019re not married is a major no-no as well.<\/p>\n

NEXT: Some places run on cash.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Using Your Credit Card For Everything<\/h2>\n

\u201cCredit cards are not widely accepted in some countries,\u201d Elizabeth Finan of the U.S. Bureau of Consular Affairs tells Budget Travel. \u201cAlthough it is a good idea to bring a credit card or two, leave all unnecessary credit cards at home.\u201d That being said, bring cash!<\/p>\n

Aaron Montoya\/U.S. Air Force<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

This should be obvious, but don\u2019t bring only U.S. dollars; other countries have different currencies from us. Usually, airports have currency exchanges or you can exchange some dough at currency exchanges at your local mall.<\/p>\n

NEXT: A French person tells Thrillist about his interaction with American tourists.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Being Ignorant<\/h2>\n

\u201cI generally find the stereotype about Americans being uncouth and ignorant a bit tired, but their behavior abroad often seems to confirm it,\u201d Jean-Luc from France told Brooke Sage from Thrillist. One time, a voluble American couple was on the Metro, and the husband asked the wife the same question each time they crawled into a station.<\/p>\n

Tim Flack\/U.S. Air Force<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

\u201c\u2018Why is every station in this city called sortie?\u2019 He had to be politely told that \u2018sortie\u2019 means \u2018exit\u2019 in French.\u201d moral of the story is: Try to understand a little bit about the country you\u2019re going to before boarding that flight.<\/p>\n

NEXT: This relates to our McDonald\u2019s slide.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Ordering American Food Abroad<\/h2>\n

Like you should resist the urge to eat at McDonald\u2019s every darn meal, you should try something else besides ordering the food from back home you know so well (i.e., hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, french fries, etc.). Why not try a nice borscht soup in Russia or sushi in Japan?<\/p>\n

Trista Whited\/U.S. Marine Corps<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

It\u2019s a good idea to blend in while traveling to become less of a target and less of a nuisance. Ordering what\u2019s considered a \u201cstereotypical American meal\u201d could be one of those things that makes you stand out to the discerning restaurant patron.<\/p>\n

NEXT: Now this is rude in the U.S. and other countries.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Leaving A Mess In Your Hotel Or Rental Accommodations<\/h2>\n

Sure, you might never see the people that work in the hotel that you\u2019re staying at ever again, but leaving a giant mess behind might shape their view of American tourists. (Don\u2019t you want to be liked?!) When it comes to Airbnb, there\u2019s a benefit to being tidy.<\/p>\n

anutkak43<\/a>\u00a0via Flickr\/CC BY 2.0<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Not only can you leave a review for Airbnbs that you stay at, but Airbnb hosts can also review\u00a0you<\/em>. That review goes on your profile for other Airbnb-ers to see.<\/p>\n

NEXT: This is often one of the first things they bring you in a U.S. restaurant \u2014 not in many restaurants around the world!<\/strong><\/p>\n

Asking for tap water<\/h2>\n

Restaurants outside of the U.S. typically don\u2019t bring tap water as soon as you sit down at a restaurant. In some countries, they might not even serve you tap water. \u201cIt\u2019s simply not part of the culture,\u201d a Dutch citizen told writer Leah Ginsberg from Yahoo! Travel.<\/p>\n

Adventurejay\/Public Domain<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

If you want water in Europe, for instance, they might ask you if you want \u201csparkling\u201d or \u201cflat.\u201d That means exactly what it sounds like \u2014 either sparkling water or just plain, flat water. Both will come in a bottle.<\/p>\n

NEXT: You can be arrested for this in Singapore.<\/strong><\/p>\n


You shouldn\u2019t do this in any country, but in some countries, it can get you a crazy fine. (Destroy the environment and your wallet.)? No thanks!) \u201cYou shouldn\u2019t litter in any country and it isn\u2019t uncommon for littering to be against the law,\u201d writes Talia Avakian in Business Insider.<\/p>\n

Ryan Labadens\/U.S. Air Force<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

\u201cBut in Singapore, you\u2019ll find yourself paying a $1,000 fine for it.\u201d Add the confusing aspects of dealing with paying fines abroad and you\u2019ll find it\u2019s just not worth the risks.<\/p>\n

NEXT: This isn\u2019t commonplace in restaurants outside of the U.S.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Asking For Drinks With Ice<\/h2>\n

True story: I once ordered an \u201ciced coffee\u201d in Berlin, Germany, and received a coffee with ice cream in it. That\u2019s a real dish you can order \u2014 an affogato \u2014 but when it\u2019s 8:00 in the morning, few people might want to eat such a dessert.<\/p>\n

Kaitlyn Brewer\/U.S. Air Force<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Ice isn\u2019t a common thing for restaurants in Europe to have on deck. Other places, like countries in Southeast Asia, put ice in drinks WE normally wouldn\u2019t put ice in (e.g., ice in beer).<\/p>\n

NEXT: Research this before boarding a plane into and out of your destination.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Failing To Understand Import Or Export Restrictions<\/h2>\n

Different countries will have different import and export restrictions, writes Alex Miller in UpgradedPoints.com. Research countries\u2019 requirements before boarding that airplane. If you bring something you\u2019re not supposed to, it can get thrown away.<\/p>\n

TSA\/Instagram via Wikimedia Commons<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Miller writes that these are commonly restricted items: religious artifacts, precious metals, ivory, animal skins, antiques, fresh produce, certain medications, etc.<\/p>\n

NEXT: Click \u201cNext\u201d if you care what the rest of the world thinks of the U.S.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Forgetting That You\u2019re Representing The Rest Of The U.S.<\/h2>\n

\u201cAmericans, in general, have a pretty bad reputation to try to live down,\u201d Anna Post, co-author of\u00a0Emily Post\u2019s Etiquette, 18th Edition<\/em>, told BudgetTravel.com. \u201cAny time you can go the extra effort to use every courtesy that\u2019s available to you to show appreciation \u2026 \u201d<\/p>\n

shankar s.<\/a>\u00a0via Flickr\/CC BY 2.0<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

\u201cI think that that is part of what it means to be an ambassador for your country when you travel.\u201d True, you cannot fix the mistakes the Americans made before you, but you have power over what you do today.<\/p>\n

NEXT: At least get an app that converts it for you.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Failing to try to understand the metric system<\/h2>\n

Very few countries don’t use the metric system \u2014Malaysia, Liberia, and the U.S., says\u00a0Mental Floss<\/em>. Unless you\u2019re traveling to those countries, you\u2019re going to have to figure out what a meter is in feet or what a temperature in Celsius is. But, you can totally cheat and get an app for that!<\/p>\n

There\u2019s one called Metric Conversion and then another called Unit Converter; both have favorable ratings. But really, any ole conversion app will do \u2014 just make sure it has good reviews, because getting the wrong measurement for something might be embarrassing \u2026<\/span><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

… <\/p>\n

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