Shower Thoughts
25 Interesting Shower Thoughts – Part 5
Here Are This Week’s Shower Thoughts.
1-5 Shower Thoughts
1. If you can convincingly forge a degree of graphic design, you’re practically qualified.
2. The people who take 0,3 seconds to go from deep sleep to full consciousness are capable of handling every single other challenge that the world can offer, except having patience for the people who can’t.
3. If joker figures out Batman’s gym schedule, he could attack Gotham the day after Batman’s leg day and get away with it.
4. If you plug in a fan that’s into an electrical socket that’s powered by a wind turbine you’re teleporting wind.
5. The strangest part is that the corruption of the world got exposed and nothing changed at all.
6-10 Shower Thoughts

Shower Thoughts
6. The beauty of National Parks is a reminder of what the entire earth could look like if humans weren’t around.
7. It’s not until you have your own kids do you realize your parents didn’t have a clue what they were doing when raising you.
8. You could just be living out a hallucination your brain had the moment before dying.
9. Nearly all societal issues could be resolved if we stopped actively rewarding terrible behavior.
10. Billons of neurons fire in your brain just for you to get something wrong.
11-15 Shower Thoughts
11. An orange traffic cone has more unquestioned authority than most people ever will.
12. If a mosquito drinks your blood when you are high, that would make you edible.
13. Grilled cheese is almost never grilled.
14. The societal pressure to wear matching socks is peddled by Big Sock so that if you lose one sock you’d buy two.
15. The only people who can afford an EV are the people who can actually afford gas.
16-20 Shower Thoughts
16. Humans are very fortunate that teeth don’t grow like nails.
17. Hearing the door lock behind you after you leave someone’s house is a sad sound.
18. A mullet actually prevents a red neck.
19. If there is an afterlife it must be very awkward to arrive there with the person you just killed in battle.
20. The sentence ‘I am here’ is always true wherever you are.
21-25 Shower Thoughts
21. When you’re able to turn autopay on for all of your bills without fear, you’ve made it in life.
22. Jimmy John could’ve been Papa John’s son who went into the sandwich industry to spite his father who cared more about pizza than his son.
23. It doesn’t matter how stupid you think you are, you still are one of the most intelligent living beings that has ever existed.
24. Doing nothing is addictive.
25. As you get older, hearing the doorbell ring transforms from being exciting to dreadful.
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