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Shower Thoughts

25 Interesting Shower Thoughts – Part 4



Here Are This Week’s Shower Thoughts.


1-5 Shower Thoughts

Interesting Shower Thoughts

1. Granite forms over millions of years of heat and pressure only to spend 15 years in your kitchen before being returned to the earth because your color pallet changed.

2. All Scooby-Doo monsters were people in disguises, yet they were attracted to female monster disguises made by Shaggy and Scooby.

3. Since whales are milk producing mammals you could hypothetical make whale cheese.

4. The difference between a million dollars and a billion is kind of like blowing up the moon or blowing up the Sun. The common person has no chance at ever achieving either, so they seem kind of the same but when you really look into it they are very very different.

5. We all see how animals can’t understand things beyond their intelligence level, but somehow we think humans can unravel the mysteries of the universe.

6-10 Shower Thoughts

Interesting Shower Thoughts

6. Your childhood ends the day you realize that sleep is a reward and not a punishment.

7. People underestimate how bad 1 HP of damage would hurt in real life.

8. You cannot use drugs in Olympics but you can use make-up & surgery to win miss world and beauty contests.

9. Gray is the least desirable color for food.

10. If you’re finding that the ads you see are never relevant to your interests, you’re probably doing something right.

11-15 Shower Thoughts

11. In 100 years people are going to fail history tests on stuff we lived through.

12. Conspiracy theorists don’t actually want us to believe all the stuff they’re shouting at us about because if we did they wouldn’t feel special and exceptional anymore.

13. When you’re an adult you can just rent a bouncy castle whenever you want plus you don’t even have to share.

14. Maybe the grass seems greener on the other side because you’re not over there messing it up.

15. Wild orcas are the only apex predator that you don’t need to worry about if you run into them.

16. Figuring out what you’re going to have for dinner every day for the rest of your life is overwhelming.

17. The experience of eating hard candy is mostly drinking your own flavored saliva.

18. No matter how happy you are with life, a really bad stomachache is enough to make you wish for death.

19. If you use hours instead of dollars, it changes the perspective.

20. Most people think of water as a liquid, but its most common form in the universe is probably ice.

21-25 Shower Thoughts

21. Despite all of our preservatives and technology, only bees have produced food with no expiration date, honey.

22. If a group of humans ever gets to colonize another planet, the knowledge that they came from the earth will probably get lost after a couple of generations, and there will be people doubting that the planet earth even exists because they’ve been on that new planet their entire lives.

23. Not having your childhood cringe moments immortalized on the internet is one of the biggest blessings as you get older.

24. Someone you haven’t even met yet is wondering what it’d be like to know someone like you.

25. When men play hard to get, it makes women want them more, but when women play hard to get, men think they aren’t interested.

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